Thursday, October 23, 2014

Brooklyn Bridge

Took a walk on  Brooklyn Bridge....

Showing ayah how to buy  subway tickets

Waiting for the train to arrive

View of Manhattan from the bridge

Brooklyn Bridge is very popular among the tourists

Some of the things people do on the bridge -  beside jumping down ( as seen in the movies )......they hang padlocks and throw away the keys and take a vow not to do anything foolish.... or to be loyal to their love ones or a promise to come again to visit the bridge.....

Finally we managed to crossover the bridge.....that was about 450 meters long.


ngasobahseliman said...

Jelouse...jangan tak balil ye!

Kerabu Jantung said...

bila dok lama negeri orang baru sedar negeri sendiri jauuuuuh lebih baik....

Tiada Family Tree...

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