Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Coffee Table Book........5

The many landmarks of Kuala Rompin

Watermelon is the first landmark of Kuala Rompin. Seedless red and yellow melons were introduced in 1960s  and  became the first cash crops which attracted people from outside to settle in Kuala Rompin.

Udang galah is the delicacies that is most sought after in Kuala Rompin.

Since Kuala Rompin is popular among the anglers from all  over the world, merlin fish became one of the landmarks.

This coach was originally part of the light railway that was built by Rompin Mining Co/ROMPINCO to transport iron ore from the nearby mining town of Bukit Ibam to Kampung Lanjut in the 1960s. The iron ore mine introduce the new economy that generated income and the expansion of Kuala Rompin from a fishing village to a fairly big town.

Masjid Tengku Abdullah attracts visitors as it is situated near the main road.

It is about half an hour's drive from Kuala Rompin to Endau's jetty terminal. From there people can ride boats which take about 1 hour 45 minutes to Pulau Tioman. And it is about 2 hours drive from Kuala Rompin to Kuantan and less than 5 hours drive to Johor Bahru. So it is not surprising visitors from Singapore came to Kuala Rompin to enjoy udang galah during the weekends and school holidays.


Anonymous said...

Talking about Bukit Ibam, Lanjut & Kuala Rompin remind me of my late father. He was an immigrant from Yemen. His ffirst job in Malaya (before WW2) was in Bukit Ibam iron ore mine & at Lanjut. Couldn't stand the hardwork, he become the Arab Dogol jual kain at Tanjung gemuk

Kerabu Jantung said...

Masyaa Allah!Langit dan bumi kepunyaan Allah...

Masih adakah keturunan Arab Yemen in Tg Gemok until now?

Anonymous said...

Tak pasti. Allahyarham pindah ke Batu Pahat semasa mula perang Jepun dn berkahwin dgn ibu saya. Dia berniaga hingga ke Pekan dn Endau. Pindah naik basikal saja. Di Endau ada keluarga kawan Allahyarham hingga kini. Takdir Allah saya berkahwin dgn orng Pekan.selepas 25 tahun kahwin baru tahu his greatgrand father was a yemeni too. Inilah Kebesaran Allah.

Kerabu Jantung said...

Subhanallah...begitu luas bumi Allah - Tanpa sempadan!

Tiada Family Tree...

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