......reliving the childhood dream........
The carousel in full swing
Beautifully painted wooden horses that fly in the air |
This antique horse is meant for show only - people are not allowed to ride it
Happy riding!
Semasa adik saya mengahwinkan anaknya pada awal tahun lepas, hanya saya dan anak- anak cucu saja jadi tulang belakang majlis. Sepupu dan a...
It is refreshing to read short postings of past events. To me this is necessary to keep readers interested. I am sure many like to read what is written in a proper, in this case English, without resorting to mixed / bahasa rijak which many prefer.
You must have been a good teacher once
Terimakasih Al-Manar kerana sudi singgah ke blog orang pencen yang menulis cerita merapu.
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