Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Stopover In Pekan

....en route to Kuala Rompin

Been meaning to visit Museum Sultan Abu Bakar in Pekan for a long, long time - so balik kampung this time we spare some time visiting the Museum.
It is actually an old Sultan's palace - Istana Kota Beram , turned into the Museum.

As we enter from the main door we can see a nice hallway, from there we start our journey in the Museum - room by room..

Old potteries and plates originated from Japan, China, Korea and Vietnam

Kris were used as weapons and also as status symbol.

 and tombak used by  worriors to fight enemies and used by the guards of the palace at that time

The real elephant's foot

The traditional drums used during social functions

Traditioanal stringed instruments

The kris made of wood


...and elephant all made of wood

Fire truck from the 1950's

One of the cars that had been used by the Sultan

There are a lot more to see in this Museum. It is a  two story palace full of Pahang Rulers historical exhibits.

Orang Pekan jangan pulak tak pegi melawat museum tuh! Rugi weh!

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