Sunday, October 19, 2008

3 in 1

When I got headache all the time I was quite worried. One day I braved myself to visit Pusat Kesihatan when I went back to my kampung. Sure enough my blood pressure was quite high 150/90 , my cholesterol was 6.5 and my sugar was 7. And the doctor advised me to go for a proper check up when I go back to KL. He told me to have my blood pressure checked 5 times before the doctor can determine my real pressure .

I was quite happy during my second check up , my pressure went down to 152/78 but then went up again at 152/86 ,the next check up it went down at 142/72 then went up at 150/85. Thus I had to get my blood tested. Two weeks later I got my result and the doctor congratulated me because I got the 3 in 1 bonus that is, my cholesterol confirmed 6.5, and my sugar count is 7.5 fasting. And I was put into medication and referred to nutritionist for my new diet plan.

I followed my diet closely and manage to shed many kgs and my body feel fresh and light. My blood pressure,cholesterol level and sugar level is behaving themselves well but I got stuck with the medicines for life ( ? ). Amen. There goes my sedentry life! My hands shivered the first time I got the big bundle of medicines that last for 3 months before my next check up. That was the saddest day in my life. I indulged myself in self pity for a long while ( selepas makan tak berinsuran for many,many years! ).

For those who has been makan(ing) tak berinsuran for years and years who want to repent. Here are some tips from Pegawai Dietetik :

Avoid excessive sugar intake such carbonated drinks,heavy syrup , cakes(yep! common knowledge!).

Avoid all food excess in oil and fats such as animal fats or diary products such as full cream milk or cheese.

Avoid processed food as it contain a lot of salt and sodium that is any salted things, commercially prepared potato crisps,salted tapioca,all the chips,regular canned or dehydrated soups,broth,packet soups or soup cubes,belacan,cincalok,budu, sea salt, rock salt, msg or any salted snacks.

Whoa! Look like we are deprived of all the best things in the universe !

For us rice , mee ,pasta eater, makan biarlah berpada-pada.

And never skip any meal , go for small meals and it is even allowed 5 small meals a day . And of course , exercise at least 3 times a week for half an hour each session.

Caution: For those over fifty and dugong size do not try to play tennis or squash, you might injure your back bones and your knees!

Also never skip breakfast and lunch because tonight we have big kenduri so we can eat like a monster! According to the dietician, it doesn't work that way.

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