Monday, October 20, 2008

First Ladies

I still remember our very First Lady of the country was the late Tun Syarifah Rodziah.She was a member of Kedah Royalties ,a sweet lady and as graceful as any royalties around the world. She stood daintily beside her husband the late YAM Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra on all ocassions.

Our second and third First Ladies were the two sisters from a prominent family hailed from Johor.They are beautiful and well dressed. They were admired by many and mothers dreamed that their daughters were born beautiful, so they might become wives of prominent figures later.

The sweetest of them all is Tun Dr Hasmah Mohd Ali .She is charming and loved by all. Even all the makciks in the remotest of the kampung could identify themselves with the First Lady. And they are rest assured she won't shun to shake the unlotioned hands of those makciks wearing red kain batiks with yellow baju kurungs and green head scarves.

Came Datin Sri Jeanne , at first people were sceptical about her. Can she fit in the footsteps of the late and the most gracious Datin Seri Hendon ( may she rest in peace,alFatihah ). But she does fit well in her role as First Lady.She stands tall besides her Prime Minister husband. Her smiles are genuine and soon she captures the hearts of the masses.

We don't want our First Ladies sticking out like a sore thumb and make our kampung folks so confused as who rules the country. When my makcik heard some of the ministers' wives announced they celebrate this year's raya in a moderate way as all their children spend their raya overseas , my makcik gaped. Never in her wildest dream that she could travel anywhere outside her kampung. Her family has no heavy machines,all they owned is a zaman Jepun kapcai. That's their only pride and joy.

She suddenly feels so small and so alien to the leaders.She thinks this country is not for poor people like her. It's for the selected few, who has class. Maybe she wouldn't vote at all the next election because she thinks her vote doesn't count!

1 comment:

Beautiful Life said...

I agree that Datin Siti Hasmah and Datin Sri Jeanne make a really good First Ladies as they got the flair and finesse, and as you mentioned - not sticking out like a sore thumb.

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