Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Save the party not the person

Everybody are pointing fingers at Pak Lah for delaying ( refusing ) to step down ,but he's not the only one to be blamed. All his cabinet ministers ( except for few ) are playing safe , they dare not voice out their true opinion. They do not want their position will be like "telur di hujung tanduk ". Hence silent will be the best solution.

When TS Muhyiddin first voiced out his opinion many in the cabinet critised him. I suppose that is the way the Umno are, that is to defend their leader through thick or thin. What they don't realise is come next election if they loose more states to PKR, the whole cabinet will be out of job and Umno will get a massive stroke and die of heart attack.

People especially in the lower income group are angry with the rising price.The small income they get can't cover their expenses.They feel so frustrated and do not know to who they should turn to. Obviously to the govt, but the govt seems not to be taking any effective actions. And many of them vow to vote for the opposition, maybe they can do better (judging from their ceramah and manifestos).

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