Monday, March 30, 2009

Love hate relationship

Ada pepatah Arab yang mengatakan roh manusia terdiri dari pasukan-pasukan seperti dalam tentera . Jika kita dari satu batalion yang sama kita akan suka atau mesra antara satu sama lain. Tetapi kalau roh kita dari batalion yang berlainan, kita akan menjadi kurang sesuai dengan seseorang itu walaupun baru pertama kali bersua. Jadi jangan terkejut kalau kita menyampah pada orang tak tentu fasal atau suuuka sangat kat seseorang tu,walaupun baru saja kenal.

When I was in primary school I had this friend by the name of Salmah. We were quite close and I used to go to her house to play. She had a sister named Zaleha who is about two years younger than me. Somehow or rather we really hated each other- she did't like me and I didn't like her. This went on until I was in form three. After form three I left my kampung and I never met them since then. When I was wiser I apologised to Zaleha for what I did to her. She shrugged off and said ..Ahh zaman budak buat apa nak ambil kira sangat.

Have you ever smiled at people and they just stared at you? Or just ignored you? Well, this happened to me many times. I think only celebrities will smile back
at you because even though they don't know you but they know that you know them. Come to think of it why should we smile at people unnecessarily, people might think that we are tak betul. Then again what's wrong with throwing smiles at people , it is also an amal jariah.Once in KLCC someone greeted me with Assalamualaikum and I answered her with full semangat and right away I salam with her. Both of us were so pleased and masyaAllah, how nice to receive an honest salam from someone you don't know!

Have you ever experience salam tak ikhlas? It is when you meet people in a majlis and they will salam with you without looking at you. Some really make sure to salam with their fingertips. And in the case of Umno delegations they have different salam ie salam berisi or salam kosong. So if you give them salam angin, don't expect them to vote for you, no matter how good you are! And mind you that is not bribery ,that is pleasantry. Those who are most pleasant, of course they are worthy of becoming a leader.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Excess baggage

When people come back from performing hajj or umrah,they will bring a lot of gift for family and friends. The gifts usually ketayap, tasbih or minyak atar for man and scarves ,celak or henna for ladies. To the loved ones or close friends they might give bigger things like sejadah or jubah. I remember those days we used to get all these things from relatives and friends.

So, when our turn came to perform hajj, we find it so difficult to buy things for souveniors. We have to count every relatives and friends and buy things that suit them. One of my sister in law is very clever to choose the gifts for all of us. She will bring back things for all her brothers and sisters and their spouses plus all their children. Not to mention for those who come to visit her. Somehow she will have enough of things for everybody.

I wonder how some people can bring so many things back home. Once this was the topic of conversations between me and my friends. Finally I got to know one secret. They told me ( I was in Kedah at that time ), usually when they come back from Makkah they will go to Pekan Rabu Alor Setar to buy extra ketayap, minyak atar ,sejadah or tasbih. Now I understand why some people have endless things to give each and everyone who came visiting.

I was very attracted to handmade carpets sold by Iranian people during hajj time those days in the 80's. I was really tempted to buy them,but my husband warned me , if we had excess baggage I had to choose, either the carpet or me got to stay back. But now things become so easy, one can buy anything without worrying about baggage, they can post right from there to their hometown.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Gandingan N dan M yang mantap.

Tahniah DS Najib yang telah dengan rasminya menjadi Presiden Umno pada hari ini. Pada saya DSN telah menunjukkan kematangan berpolitik, sikap yang gentlemen dan sabar serta akur dengan janji peralihan kuasa oleh Pak Lah. Akhirnya hari yang ditunggu tiba juga dan peralihan kuasa dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang paling terhormat.

Saya juga ucapkan setinggi-tinggi tahniah kepada TS Muhyiddin sebagai Timbalan Presiden Umno yang telah berikrar bahawa beliau akan menjadi orang kedua dalam parti dan kerajaan dan akan tetap bersikap seperti orang ke dua ( not hissing behind his boss's neck like some other deputies ). Beliau juga mengatakan akan mengambil iktibar dari apa yang pernah berlaku antara ketua dan penolong ( yang rakus kuasa dan tak sabar justru menghuru harakan parti dan negara ) itu sebagai panduan kepada beliau.

Kepada Khairi Jamaluddin pula gunakan kemudaan , kebijaksanaan dan semangat yang berkobar-kobar itu untuk menarik semula golongan muda kita yang rata-rata suka kepada perjuangan yang beroientasi ala ala keganasan dengan berdemonstrasi dijalanan . Semoga beliau benar-benar menjadi ketua pemuda yang berjiwa rakyat dan semoga golongan pemuda akar umbi dapat sinonimkan diri mereka dengan ketua mereka.

Orang -orang muda pula yang ingin berbakti pada parti Umno yang selama ini tidak ada peluang yang cukup luas , rasa-rasanya keadaan sudah berubah. Umno sekarang sudah terbuka untuk semua dan bukan untuk sesetengah orang sahaja! Best of luck!

Err, tabik DSN, kalau kritik hal politik takpe kot berterang-terangan. Tapi kalau nak tegur hal pribadi ,barulah bergelap-gelapan.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Wanna be a doctor?

People always say that certain plants can cure all kind of sickness.For example certain plants are good for hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes. So there is always a story about a friend of a friend who suffered from stroke ( and became  paralysed )but  after taking that certain plants he can move his hand and foot. So when people hear about the story they start taking/drinking it even though they are not yet being diagnosed with any of the said sickness . They said might as well take the medicine before the sickness strikes you.

Daun hempedu bumi is known for its medicinal value. Like this story from a friend of a friend who was being hospitalised due to diabetes, but after taking daun hempedu bumi suddenly his condition improved so fast that even the doctor was amazed by it. ( of course they won't tell the doctor what they take ).

So when we hear all this 'true' story we won't hesitate to tell our friends how good that certain plants are. Many have tried and they can feel the improvement. Thus, many will stop from taking the doctor's prescription and replace it with the recommended herbs. And the story ends there. We don't know what happened after that, either they are fully recovered or after sometimes they're back to the square one that is suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol or diabetes.

Tiada Family Tree...

  Semasa adik saya mengahwinkan anaknya pada awal tahun lepas, hanya saya dan anak- anak cucu saja jadi tulang belakang majlis. Sepupu dan a...