Monday, March 2, 2009

Wanna be a doctor?

People always say that certain plants can cure all kind of sickness.For example certain plants are good for hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes. So there is always a story about a friend of a friend who suffered from stroke ( and became  paralysed )but  after taking that certain plants he can move his hand and foot. So when people hear about the story they start taking/drinking it even though they are not yet being diagnosed with any of the said sickness . They said might as well take the medicine before the sickness strikes you.

Daun hempedu bumi is known for its medicinal value. Like this story from a friend of a friend who was being hospitalised due to diabetes, but after taking daun hempedu bumi suddenly his condition improved so fast that even the doctor was amazed by it. ( of course they won't tell the doctor what they take ).

So when we hear all this 'true' story we won't hesitate to tell our friends how good that certain plants are. Many have tried and they can feel the improvement. Thus, many will stop from taking the doctor's prescription and replace it with the recommended herbs. And the story ends there. We don't know what happened after that, either they are fully recovered or after sometimes they're back to the square one that is suffering from hypertension, high cholesterol or diabetes.

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