Monday, March 30, 2009

Love hate relationship

Ada pepatah Arab yang mengatakan roh manusia terdiri dari pasukan-pasukan seperti dalam tentera . Jika kita dari satu batalion yang sama kita akan suka atau mesra antara satu sama lain. Tetapi kalau roh kita dari batalion yang berlainan, kita akan menjadi kurang sesuai dengan seseorang itu walaupun baru pertama kali bersua. Jadi jangan terkejut kalau kita menyampah pada orang tak tentu fasal atau suuuka sangat kat seseorang tu,walaupun baru saja kenal.

When I was in primary school I had this friend by the name of Salmah. We were quite close and I used to go to her house to play. She had a sister named Zaleha who is about two years younger than me. Somehow or rather we really hated each other- she did't like me and I didn't like her. This went on until I was in form three. After form three I left my kampung and I never met them since then. When I was wiser I apologised to Zaleha for what I did to her. She shrugged off and said ..Ahh zaman budak buat apa nak ambil kira sangat.

Have you ever smiled at people and they just stared at you? Or just ignored you? Well, this happened to me many times. I think only celebrities will smile back
at you because even though they don't know you but they know that you know them. Come to think of it why should we smile at people unnecessarily, people might think that we are tak betul. Then again what's wrong with throwing smiles at people , it is also an amal jariah.Once in KLCC someone greeted me with Assalamualaikum and I answered her with full semangat and right away I salam with her. Both of us were so pleased and masyaAllah, how nice to receive an honest salam from someone you don't know!

Have you ever experience salam tak ikhlas? It is when you meet people in a majlis and they will salam with you without looking at you. Some really make sure to salam with their fingertips. And in the case of Umno delegations they have different salam ie salam berisi or salam kosong. So if you give them salam angin, don't expect them to vote for you, no matter how good you are! And mind you that is not bribery ,that is pleasantry. Those who are most pleasant, of course they are worthy of becoming a leader.


la Signora said...

I agree, there is no harm in giving salam to people, kita kan doakan kebahagiaan.Although, for argument's sake, the Malaysian population has a wide majority of muslims, so greeting each individual/strangers with salaam may be a bit...extreme lah kan, but it does not hurt to smile at strangers.I did that once, during an LRT ride,and yes, the person looked at me as if I am tiga-suku.Hampeh.

But here, whenenever I bumped into fellow muslims at the shops/supermarket/pasar sayor, exchanging salams has become a great ice-breaker!It's like you've an exclusive secret club!He he he.But yeah, I always keep in mind to keep a smile on my face, because Mak dah pesan sedemikian.

Kerabu Jantung said...

la Signora,

Tapi kekadang assalaamualaikum jadi asaikum pulak among some of us!

Kind of miss you and your merapuness!

Tiada Family Tree...

  Semasa adik saya mengahwinkan anaknya pada awal tahun lepas, hanya saya dan anak- anak cucu saja jadi tulang belakang majlis. Sepupu dan a...