Friday, March 12, 2010

A Journey Down The Hill

Those days I used to tease my mum, my aunts, my sisters in law, .... banyaknya ubat, ..boleh kenyang makan ubat , tak payah makan nasi! Or.... mak, kuatnya bau minyak angin, cap apa tu?

Twenty years or so later, today I have to take care of my medicines first before I go anywhere. Without realizing, I too use minyak urat, Franch Oil for my muscle pain and virgin coconut oil for my dry feet, elbow and skin in general ( I dare not use minyak angin, minyak urut or minyak urat for fear my husband might scout for another woman who smells perfume all over ). And I packed them in small bottles, and placed them under my bed.( Have you ever seen old ladies stuff their minyak angin, minyak urat, panadol in a box and keep them under their bed? )

I used to be impatient with my mum, my aunts for walking too slow, I used to hurry them up....cepat sikit , cepat sikit......they will say, sabarlah, mana boleh cepat-cepat, lutut sakit! My children now have to wait for me because I walk very slow!

Before, I used to ask my older relatives why do they take a long time praying, they said they have to recite the surah properly and at the same time to remember the meaning of the surah.Now I wonder how my children pray so fast, before I know it they already say their salam!

Getting old, eh?


Maher Al Muaqly said...

The circle of life.

whm6840 said...

that's my grandmother in the current time. But she keeps no panadol though - only vicks to soothe her at nights.
Anyway, she's 85... aunty.
I pray for her health all her life.

kerabujantung said...

That's why I'm so worried now, I better throw my ointments right away!

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