Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Love Thy Neighbour's Cat

Even if they are always waiting to rummage your kitchen ....

Or they poo in your flower pot

Or they just couldn't care less about anything!

They are just being themselves!


ngasobahseliman said...

Great ! I like that attitude. Love your neighbour's cat or any cat. A week ago on our back from Tangkak, my friend bought fish at the R & R in Melaka and gave it to the cats because they look like they are hungry.

May Allah be pleased.

Kerabu Jantung said...

Haha...itu lah, kalau dengan kucing pun nak buat balah , susah jugak nak sabar dengan ujian yang lebih besar...

Beautiful Life said...

Haaa...I know those cats!!!

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