Sunday, February 22, 2009

A place to die

Why is it when you want to visit the Haramain ( Mecca and Medina )you always think 'If I die there....'.

For as long as I can remember, during the 50's and the 60's even the 70's ,the muslims went to perform the hajj by ship. It took about 3 to 6 months to come back home from Mecca and many people died in Mecca as well as on the ship. That is because the Malays waited until they are old then only they go for the hajj. Some said 'buat dosa dulu ,last-last baru minta ampun!' ( kalau sempat!? ), jangan-jangan padam dulu sebelum bertobat.

But since the 80's people started going to Mecca by plane, and it sparked controversy among the Malaysians muslim. Some said it is better to go by ship,longer time means more pahala, if you go by plane as if you got instant hajj ( less berkat therefore less pahala ). But after that there's no question about more berkat or less berkat,everybody flies to Mecca.

Me and Syarifah planned to go for umrah soon ( ladies trip ) and guess what? I've been thinking what if I die there....... Sure enough this morning when I met Syarifah she has been thinking if she dies in Mecca, it would be good for her.Die in Tanah Suci, is quite easy, no fuss, people will bury you there and then. I told her Pah don't you ever dare to die there, how I'm going to explain to Pak Toyyib and your children when I come back? She laugh!

I told her that I thought of the same thing too, if I die there, mau pengsan Cik Pah terkejut. Ahhhhh....ha..ha...! TOUCHE'!!

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