Monday, February 2, 2009

Kisah dolu-dolu

My eldest son told me someone's mother knew me. He mentioned the name Zabidah Yusoff, I remember her immediately. We called her Kak Dah even though she is only one year older than me ,but that's the way it was back then. If your colleage is even one year older you call her kak. Once in Tg Karang my one year junior called me kak and I told her just call me my name. And I knew tounges were wagging. They thought I perasan nak muda!

I won't forget Kak Dah until forever. After two years of teaching in the same school I got transferred to SMKB from SMMM Kota Bharu. After that we rarely meet even though I was still in KB three years later. She was quite busy at that time because she was a tae kwon do ( ITF ) instructor during the weekends ( she is a black belter 2nd dan ) and her two daughters assisted her.I remember her two charming daughters Eriyanti the eldest ( tall and slim ,straight hair and looked like Kak Dah ) and the youngest Sofea looked like her father ( Abang Pin ),very fair with slightly curly hair.

Kak Dah is a very easy going person. One will be most comfortable when one is with her. And she is a bit kelakar too. If you don't know her you think she is a sombong person. She told me about an incident when someone knocked on her car ,she scolded the man and asked for payment there and then ( she said she pretended to be stern ) and the poor man did't hesitate to pay her. The second incident, she was on the way back from hospital ( one of the daughters was warded ), she knocked on someone's car and she quickly came down to apologise and explained to the driver she didn't sleep a wink the night before.If I'm not wrong she got away scot free.

And the other thing I couldn't forget was during Hari Raya she made a lot of cookies,among them is jam tart. She prepared a lot of tarts ( without the jam), she kept the jam in the bottle. When we Raya to her house she explained Kak Dah sengaja tak bubuh jem sebab susah nak simpan banyak-banyak.So when she served the tarts we have to fill in the jam ourselves.

Another story she told me, she had this aquarium at home,full of goldfish.After Raya she told me all her fish were gone ,either died or cacat. She said one of her friend's son loved to play with the fish and his hands stayed in the water ( throughout the Raya visit refusing to move from the aquarium )trying to catch the fish. When he's gone she found out most of her fish pening-pening lalat and the eyes of the fishes had all gone! She buried the fishes under her mango tree when eventually all of them died.

One thing I knew about her is that she is a good cook. She can cook chicken kuzi very well. Well, I hope I can get in touch with her often now that I found her again.

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