Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Win, lose.. or draw.

Selamat Hari Raya!!! Ramadan is gone, Hari Raya is a joy for everybody, especially the children. All the thirst and hunger are rewarded with the arrival of Shawal.

After the subuh prayer I already felt hungry because for the past 29 days I've been eating at 5 in the morning. So 7 o'clock is already 2 hours way past the regular sahur. I served the ketupat, lemang and rendang and daging dendeng as an extra dish. Waited for my husband and daughter to breakfast together before going for hari Raya prayer. Of course I went from one ketupat to another without even blinking my eyes.

Many of us will eat non stop, because we can't refrain ourselves to see all the good food being laid on the table.After eating at home, we'll eat again at every house we visit. It won't be a surprise if we eat 7 or 8 times a day before we retire to bed. The main event of hari raya is eating,eating and eating!

At the end of the 3rd raya we can muhasabah diri either we really follow the spirit of hari raya ( eating wise ). If after the 3rd raya day we can still maintain the normal eating habit , then we win the battle of nafsu ammakan. If our loose sarong or trousers tightened , it is a draw, that means we are back to our normal weight ( watch out for another 27 days to come! ). But if we go to le john more than 3 times a day, that means we lost the battle!


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