Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Aji no moto or no Aji no moto

Recently my friend commented that her mother used aji no moto rampantly. My mother used aji no moto in her cooking too. There was one time people were talking about the side effect of aji no moto, like it can cause cancer, people can get grey hair at young age or you can go bald. My late mum would say that she had been using seasonings since she was young, of course when you are old you'll have grey hair, it had nothing to do with aji no moto.

My sister in law was sceptical about the haram halal of aji no moto. So none of them use the aji in their cooking. One day,When I was alone with my late mother in law, we cooked some kuah pindang. She told me to put some aji in the pindang. I was quite surprised because the aji is a taboo in all my in laws cooking. She told me masak pindang kena boh sikit aji , kalau dak rasa macam ayak paip ( without msg). She hid her msg in a very dark corner of her kitchen cabinet. Mak kena sorok ni, depa tu bukan buleh....

I used to tease my sister, when she was baking some cakes
--- ada lagi yang belum cukup resepi ni,
eh..h..dah ada semua,...
aji no moto tak bubuh lagi....
haa.? aji no moto??eh.... eh.. alaa Long ni buat terkejut orang aje!
Alah engkau ni tu pun nak terkejut.

Recently I was with my sister cooking opor ayam for a very small kenduri,we couldn't get the accurate taste for the opor. It tasted sort of lack of salt, ok add in some salt. Then it was as if it needed some sugar -
right....add in some sugar, then as if it lacked of asam - ok add in some asam jawa ....and still it was not right.Then both of us smile at each other .... kalau tambah tu tak kena, tambah ni tak kena...nampak gayanya kena renjisss sedikit aaji...nooo...motoooo......

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