Saturday, October 13, 2012

Take Five

One day one of my sons asked me whether  he can change his name.

What name do you want it to be?
Wan Muhammad Afendi bin Wan Mutalib - I really like that name. ( it was his good friend's name )
So, what will happen to your own name?
I don't like it
I had to explain to him how important it is to stick to his own name.
If you change your name the whole family couldn't recognize you! 
He was confused for a while - quite scared I might not recognised him......haha!

When my sister was about 7 years old ( I was 13 at that time ) I caught her talking in front of the mirror with  her tounge touching the upper lip.
Why do you talk like that?
Oo, I want to follow Tok Ngah , I like the way Tok Ngah talk.......
Yes, she had to talk like that because she had protuding teeth.
But, I like it...... ( carry on talking in front of the mirror until she got tired )

I fell in love with the nose of one of our distant relative. She had a flat nose and the tip of her nose pointing downwards. I used to hate my nose and everyday I will pull the tip of my nose downwards so it will look like hers! I thought if I had that kind of nose I will look prettier.

A friend of mine was  alarmed when her two daughters were playing maid and madame. Her eldest daughter ( madam ) scolded the maid fiercely with her two hands on her hip  . The manner  the madam scolded the maid made my friend cringed ............I don't know where my daughter learned such behaviour! Even she dared not scold her maid for fear she might run away ....

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