Friday, March 6, 2015

Coffee Table Book - Part 3

The Old Town

This old town was left dilapidated as the owners left to live elsewhere.

This was the original town of Kuala Rompin - they were two rows of wooden shop houses, most of them with attics. Part of the old town were burnt down - on the right hand side there were a wooden cinema, a barber shop  and two private houses and on the left hand side there were a coffee shop, Bata shoe store, a photo shop , a shop selling tidbits mostly from China and my late aunt's sundry shop who was also  an agent selling  Singer sewing machine. The old town was busy in 1950s to 1950s.

This roti canai shop famous for its  delicious roti canai back then and still existed to this day.

 On the right is the oldest wet market in Kuala Rompin that sells the catch from Rompin River Mouth which is right behind it.

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