Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Coffee Table Book - Part 4

Sumptous Breakfast!

Most people in Rompin take savory food for breakfast.
The breakfast usually consist of rice or nasi such as nasi lemak, nasi kerabu or nasi dagang. Most  popular is nasi dagang originated from Trengganu. Trengganu is the neighboring state of Pahang.

Another favorite is ketupat which made of glutinous rice cooked in thick coconut milk. After that they are wrapped in 'daun palas' ( fan palm leaves ) and then shallow fry in its own oil from the coconut milk.

And of course there are an array of fried sweet and also savory 'kueh' to choose from.

The most popular is of course the sweet delicacies to complete the sumptous breakfast!

Suffice to say that some people in Rompin take a heavy and elaborate breakfast!

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