Friday, January 30, 2009

The Ku Klux Clan

After a job interview my son complained to me they were asking why he's not a Ku like ayah. He said luckily he has no Ku in front of his name so he can give any reason he can think of. If he's a Ku like his father thing will get worst, they might ask what Ku is,which he has no idea at all.( with due respect to all Ku family especially from Kedah ).

When I first knew my husband I was confused , because in Pahang we have Tengku or Engku. I know in Trengganu they have Che Ku. That was the first time I came across a Ku. My husband told me that Ku is decendant from raja i.e. raja kalah perang --raja kebun pisang. I really menyampah when he pulled my leg like that. His family never talk about it either. He told me when his mother used to tease his father, like-- Ku apa? Kucing? Kuku? and I add up to the list, Ku klux clan.

My husband has got seven sisters and two brothers. Except for one all his sisters are married to non Kus therefore their children can't use the surname. When our children didn't have the Kus his brothers and sisters jokingly said -- lama-lama hilang nama Ku di dunia ini. My husband told them not to worry because their youngest brother already produced 12 Ku juniors even before he reaches the age of 40.

My husband was not so sure whether his granfather Ku Din or his great grandfather Ku Yaakub who was the court writer hence the title Ku. They were well known for their good handwriting ( in Jawi of course )and he showed me his eldest brother's handwriting that is almost similar to the Quran writings. Then again there are tens of thousands of Kus in Kedah ,they can't be decending from the court writers. My wild guess is maybe Ku originated from Siam.

My husband said in fact there is an island in Siam where the people are all Kus. They are Malay originated but they don't speak Malay. Hmm....I think we should go to look for adik beradik ( relatives ) there. First, must learn cakap Siam since all of them are Siamese speaking.

Believe it or not I was once snubbed by a Ku for not mentioning the Ku in front of her name. Come on sister, janganlah begitu , kalau ular itu betul-betul berbisa bak kata pepatah ular menyusur akar tak akan hilang bisanya. Same goes for other titles like Dato' or Datin atau lain-lain hatta haji dan hajjah -- janganlah tarik muka kalau orang tersilap panggil, sampai nak hilang kawan. Tak hilang title tu kalau orang sekali sekala ter tak sebut atau terlupa atau tak tahu pun bila depa tu dapat title.

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