Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Happy retirement!

Many people couldn't take the idea of staying at home and become a full time housewife.The idea of not working may shudder some people, they can't think of staying at home all day doing nothing,they'll be bored to death! For me ,I really enjoy my retirement. Every morning I wake up feeling happy knowing that I don't have to go to work on time, driving bumper to bumper and ( sometimes ) cursing the traffic jam.

The idea of opting started when the govt allow ladies to retire at the age of 40. But at forty I thought I was still young and I still could handle being a working woman + house work + looking after 4 kids.When I was 45 I felt I was still strong and I could still work. Came 50 I felt I couldn't go any further, I miss my home so much and I want to do other things, like doing nothing at home .At that time all my children were pursuing their studies and my husband was still working...and me alone at home......yea! Merdeka, merdeka, merdeka!

And who said doing nothing at home? If you want to do all the chores you could start from morning until the sun sets.There are 1 million and one things you can do having morning coffee with a friend/friends ,read papers, buy all the magazines on the rack and read them from cover to cover, gardening -- like watering the plants twice a day, pruning ,raking leaves,watching tv etc,etc.

I have friends who are very scared of retiring. They feel as if the world is going to end after retirement. One close friend of mine told me she couldn't eat rice months before her husband's retirement.She was very angry with someone up there who didn't recommend her husband to extend his service ( her husband was one of the top notch govt officer ). She was lucky, not long after that her husband got a job as a consultant in the private sector.

Another top notch govt officer's wife was trying desperately to pull all the strings and cables just before her husband retired. She hoped those strings and cables could get her husband to extend service after 55. I'm sure she was mad because shortly after that the govt extended the retirement age to 56 and recently to 58 as compared to private sectors at 60! Eventually her husband too got a job in the private sector.


la Signora said...

Dearest Kerabu Jantung,
Hope you're in the best of health and enjoying that beautiful garden of yours (always loved your garden!!!Cantik sangat!).In my case, I'm jobless.Or bak kata orang kita 'PENGANGGUR BERJAYA'.At first I'm a bit depressed at the thought of being a housewife, sebab dalam kepala macam-macam nak bayar, and I'm so much comfortable having my own spending money: bayar hutang pendidikan, spending money for mom, shopping untuk diri-sendiri (takat shopping pun beli sanitary pad, deodorant, and of course, seluar dalam ha ha).

After 1 year, I realized being depressed sebab stuck at home is a waste of energy.An attitude adjustment is badly needed, so I now spend my time knitting (oh yes, klakar tapi benar), or go to the library, visit my in-laws pelbagai.Paling best?Ample time to experiment dishes in the kitchen...or brani cuba buat resipi pemanis mulut (ie bubur kacang hijau!!!I still couldn't find pulut hitam T_T).

Ada hikmah jadi surirumahtangga, but insyaAllah, kalau ade peluang bekerja, why not?

Anyway, retirement sounds heavenly when you put it in such context.My bonda is over 55y.o but still working sebab she loves being at the office(ni kes empty nest).

Kerabu Jantung said...

Kalau ada peluang kerja,go ahead.Kerja puas-puas,gain the xperience and the money.Bila dah jelak,you can free yourself by being penganggur berjaya.For now you should enjoy doing the 1 million and 1 things at home!

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