Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Reading and Understanding

I came to know about AlQuran Resam Uthmani in the early 80's , got one mushaf from The Iraqi Embassy.I didn't read alQuran since I left my secondary school.I was not familiar with Mushaf Rasm Uthmani thus I showed the AkQuran to my ustazah friend and asked her to teach me how to read.

She then explained to me about the Mushaf Uthmani which is different from Al Quran Imlaai I read sunce pre school.

So I started reading again when I'm 30 yrs old on my own ( of course baca lintang pukang macam muallaf ) .Much later I learned proper reading from Mak Cik Nab Guru Quran when I was in KB.At first it was very difficult to read AlQuran with proper tajwid and everytime I came back from mengaji I felt very exhausted and my throat became dry.

Dr Fatma always scolded me - Allah.. tak habis-habis belajar mengaji, dok loghat baca tak loghat nak tau makna!
How true! Bak kata alif besar batang nyor pun langgar. Most of us read like parrots.

What we learned the first round was only the basic.There are makhraj huruf to be corrected, to know when to wakaf and ibtida', the length of almadd, the idgham and ikhfa' to be pronounced the proper way..

There was this instance, one Malaysian read Surah Ar Rahman in Masjidil Haram aloud, without realising all the Arabs around him were sobbing.

When I learn Al Quran in UIA I realised my knowledge was minimal and my reading was below par. The advantages in learning in UIA is that all the lecturers are qualified in this field, they teach with proper syllabus, we have to sit for exams and get the certs.Later we can teach our children, grand children and friends the proper way of reading. And there are courses of the tafsir of Al Quran for us to know more about the Al Quran..

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