Monday, May 25, 2009

Married to Monsters.

Sometimes people don't realise they are maried to monsters.The usual victims are always ladies aka wives. The saddest thing is that they have to accept it,as if it is normal to be bullied by the monsters. Some do realise but apparently there's nothing they can do about it. Thus, they suffer in silence or they share the misery with their children.

These monsters appear in many forms. Some of them appear to be gentlemen,some of course look like pecah rumah kind of face some look so harmless and kind of pijak semut tak mati.Not many people know how abusive they are unless they are close to them, like if they are your relatives,friends or your next door neighbours.

One such example was a typical husband who take his wife's paycheck and bank in his own account. So he will give the wife daily pocket money to go to work. From the out side you see what a doting husband he is,send wife to the office, fetch her,carry her bag, appear to be giving her money,buy clothes for her ( of course some of the colours are not suitable for young ladies like kelabu tahi anjing or some other kepam colours, that is man's taste ) and so on that make all her colleages jealous of her.Some will utter words among them,like my husband never carry my heavy bag even if I'm 9 months pregnant!Or My husband never give me pocket money, I have to spend my own money if I want anything! But only close friend knows how she suffers.

Someone else ( who told everybody about her problems ) said her parents are poor and expect her to contribute to the family,but she said she had to keraskan hati and buat alasan to pacify her feeling, that her parents are okay, they don't need her money. She had no money in hands and too scared to ask from her husband!

The worst among the worst are those who hurt their wives. There is a nice and beautiful lady who has a really violent husband, beats her almost everyday. Her family advice her many times to report to the police but she refuses.Maybe she has no confidence the police can help her or she doesn't know how, or she is scared her husband will be more violent if he knows about it.She has a few brothers who will maime him if the sister gives the green light.But one thing she does right is sending her daughter ( still in primary school )to a fully boarded school in a nearby town ).As for her, the last time I went back to my kampung she had a broken arm ( she was 7 months pregnant) and insisted that she slipped in the bathroom. And of course the whole family ,even the whole kampung felt like nak rebus laki dia buat sup!


la Signora said...

Ah, the battered-wife syndrome.My bonda said,when man lays a hand on you, leave him.My father was not physically abusive towards my mom, but he verbally abused her until the day they got divorced.It was not something children should witnessed but that happened.My mother took the divorce like a hikmah from Allah, because for years she felt that the marriage was over.She stayed on for us kids.I have a cousin whose husband beats her up and demand for her hard-earn money.She has a little stall and sells pisang goreng.As a family,we were horrified and begged her to leave the husband but she's 5 months pregnant and was adamant that her husband will change his ways.Perkara macam ni selalunya ego wanita.Sebab kita kawen atas dasar cinta, and then something like this happen.Mungkin malu kat masyarakat or keluarga, it's hard to say.Even wanita educated boleh jadi mangsa dera suami/boifren sendiri.People don't beat up people they love, it's not natural.

Kerabu Jantung said...

Pukul-pukul and herdik-herdik bini memang penyakit adik beradik dengan sawan babi,tak akan sembuh-sembuh punya!

Tahniah to your mum di atas keberanian dan ketegasannya.Setiap wanita mesti pandai menjaga diri dan memilih jalan terbaik utk kebahagiaan mrk.Bak kata kalau nampak gaya dah tak menyebelahi kita --pack our things and bunk off!

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