Saturday, October 24, 2009

Are we...........hoarders?

There's a monster hiding somewhere in a dark corner of our house, his name is Mr Hoard. He will strike anytime or rather encourage anybody who keeps unused things in the house. I remember those days, some of my relatives kept empty tins of powdered milk. They thought the tins will be useful for other things, like to store biscuits, sugar, flour and countless others. Over the years it accumulated and most of them become rusty. Try to throw them, the next day they come back to the house........!

Some hoard newspapers, at first they want to keep certain articles for later reading. The papers keep mounting as years go by and their houses are filled with sulat kabar lama. They won't part with the newspapers even the sulat kabar lama man come a begging.

Me husben is a potential hoarder. After retirement, he is very free, thus everyday he surfs the internet. His interests are politics and history. He will print all the things he reads, at first ( as a good wife ) I just leave him alone , but later his printings became more and more. So one day when there was something wrong with the printer ( it ran out of ink ) I told my son to leave the printer alone, nanti kertas penuh rumah kita semua kena tidur kat luar rumah.

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