Monday, October 5, 2009

Tiada khabar dari Padang

Today, the 5th of Oct Mawarni said she'll come back from Padang and on the 6th she'll start working. When we heard about the quake, at first we still have hope that War will be safe,because her kampung is in the outskirt of Padang. But when the news came many of the kampungs around Padang were effected and about 400 people were entombed in one kampung we didn't know what to think. We prayed she and her family will be safe, amin!

Me, Siti Razmah, Ani and Sarah hired War to do cleaning and ironing on once a week basis. Apart from us there are other people that War works with.She worked 7 days a week ,3 shifts a day -- morning, afternoon and at night too. She is very hard working and she needs to bring money home as much as she can. Her husband works on the small strip of land that they bought , plus he has to look after their 5 year old daughter and 8 year old grandson. All the other children are in Malaysia, working. But on the 15th day of puasa all of them went back to Padang.

I tried to call War on her mobile on Thursday and Friday, but there was no response. If she and her family are safe(which we pray they are safe) , she still might not be able to come back immediately, because of the highly likely possibility that communications has been cut off from her village to Padang

Didoakan semoga Mawarni dan semua ahli keluarganya berada di bawah lindungan Allah!


Beautiful Life said...

Moga2 Kak War & family selamat...

Nurul Hanim Nasruddin said...

Allahuakhbar..semoga Allah lindungi kita semua dan seluruh umat islam..amin

Kerabu Jantung said...

Bila musibah menimpa pada orang yg kita kenal atau dekat dengan kita, sudah tentu kesedihan dan kepedihan kita dapat rasakan!

Tiada Family Tree...

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