Sunday, October 4, 2009

Thank you Beautiful Life

My daughter , Beautiful Life spent the whole afternoon with me today. I've been pestering her to decorate my blog, I can only write but couldn't do anything more than that ( too old, or too lazy to learn new things knowing that someone else will do it for you ). She knew she's going to have hard time pleasing me, so she tackled the one subject that can make me agree with her --- my plants.

She took pictures of the plants in various angle and paste them on my blog. I was so pleased with the posting and she was proud of herself for snapping nice pictures. Tapi tuan-tuan dan puan-puan jangan tertipu dengan gambar-gambar tu, gambar lebih gempak dari yang sebenar.Things always look nicer in pictures.


la Signora said...

Cantiknye your plants.You and my bonda should get together, mau nyer jadi taman rimba rumah masing-masing!Dulu, when I was little, my BOnda use to bring us jalan-jalan around the taman perumahan, and when she sees a plant growing wildly (usually kat area yang masih lagi hutan, belum lagi didevelop jadi rumah) memang she will pluck a few (especially the ferns, oh how she love her ferns!) for her to bring home and tanam.Tu yang suka hidup berjiran kat Malaysia, kadang-kadang kalau berkenan kat bunga , especially if that bunga is in your jiran's garden, Bonda use to minta sikit for her to cultivate her own as well.Kat sini, agak possessive orang puteh, unless deyrang sendiri offer...

...when I say offer, it means, they will campak the whole thing in a bakul and leave it on your doorstep.A lovely surprise.He he he.

I'm currently cultivating my herb garden.Berjinak-jinak in gardening is still a new thing to me, because Bonda said I have 'warm hands' ie buleh menyebabkan ajal pokok tersebut. But so far, my serai is growing, and daun ketumbar as well.Yay!Next project?Tomatoes.

P.S I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hydranges.They're so beautiful.Skarang spring, kalau Aunty ade kat sini, mau terguling-guling keseronokan tengok bunga!

Kerabu jantung said...

Orang pompan memang suka bunga-bungaan.

Best jugak bukak pintu rumah,ada sebakul plant depan pintu, jam-jam tu jugak darah tinggi dan kolesterol boleh turun.

So far I'm quite unlucky with tomatoes,it wilted half way.

I love to try daun ketumbar, tapi belum dapat beli benih lagi.

Beautiful Life said...

Sebenarnya those plants mmg lagi cantik dr dalam gambar...Lisa, you should come to the garden now, its fully matured and very2 nice...mine is only rock garden & potted plants...itupun ada yg dh mati (terlebih air) keh keh

Tiada Family Tree...

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