Sunday, April 11, 2010

Late Bloomers

My friend who is also my neighbour held a kenduri to celebrate her birthday, her grandson's birthday, her 30th wedding anniversary and most of all to celebrate her youngest daughter's success in the SPM. The star of the majlis was of course her grandson Zuhair who is two years old. when asked ... makan apa? ... he said makan cake. Sapa beli cake? Mama beli. Sedap tak? Sedap!... birthday yang ke berapa? .....he said dua..... and showed his two fingers. I was amazed, at 2 years old he can speak properly. Actually, I already forgot at what age children start to speak.

My other friend D N told me that children talk at various ages, her youngest grandson started talking when he is three and a half years old, and he speaks pelat sikit whereas the rest of her grandchildren talk much earlier. So I guess I'm a bit left out when come to small kids. The last time I had a baby was 27 years ago!

So parents out there do not worry if your children start walking or talking a bit late, it is quite normal. I remember some of my friends' children are late bloomers, some talk pelat until they go to school, some children cannot cordinate their hands, like they can't catch balls, but you will be surprise many of them did well in school and in life!

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