Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A rolling stone gathers no moss

When my 3 guests left my house at 12, I waited for M who was supposed to arrived at 12.15. When she came I excused myself ( nak terkencing sangat-sangat ). When I came back she told me buat apa tunggu dia, Wa kan ada boleh bukak gate.

I told her about Habibti, selama berkawan hampir 30 tahun, never once she didn't sambut me in front of her door when I go to her house. Unless she was elsewhere when I wanted to drop in , she will say Yah will wait for you, I'll be a bit late. And of course Yah would get ready with one cup of nescafe ( 1 table spoonful ) without sugar for me while waiting. As a friend Habibti will always greet me like a special guest, even though I see her almost everyday ( way back in KB ).

As sahabah we should treat each other well. Close friends and neighbours are like relatives, at least we have shoulder to cry on. We can't just chuck our friends like baju dalam tertanggal hook atau kain batik basahan yang koyak. And we can't go from friends to friends, it is like rolling stones that gather no moss.

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