Thursday, February 10, 2011

According To My Shallow Opinion.......

Imagine how dissappointed the Egyptions were when the much awaited speech from President Hosni Mubarak turn out to be his assurance that he won't step down. He is willing to share power with his Vice President Omar Suleiman, but to step down? No! He can't be threatened by mere protest from his people for he has until September to rule Egypt.

He is buying his time, to make sure all his, his families and his friends assets and properties are safe and guarded before he steps down. All this pressure for him to step down came so suddenly and he was ill prepared for this. But many of his wealthy friends had already fled the country .

If Mubarak steps down , then what? VP Omar Suleiman will take over, because he is well like by America and Israel. People will protest more, the new president with the help of his friends will then use the armies to protect him. Things will get violent and there will be bloodshed!

Or if they opt for election, it can take a long time before the people can vote. In the mean time there will be more politicking, more fighting from various political parties and the supporters of Mubarak. The economy will continue to decline and people become more restless. Imagine if you stay on Tahrir Square for weeks and months, protesting.

The only good thing that we hear is Saudi Arabia is willing to give the grant to Egypt if US decide to pull back his aids. This might worsened the situation in Egypt, Mubarak can be still in power and the unrest will continue.......

So from now I will just switch off 511, 512, 513 channel for a while. And how I wish Saudi Arabia will award the grants to his needy neighbours! Mugo dio pitih belanar!

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