Friday, July 29, 2011

Zero Tolerance

I owed someone rm 3, I kept delaying the payment, thinking that rm3 is such a small amount - the owner might not in a hurry to get back her money . When I did finally pay about a week later......

Oh, that's ok, no need to pay back, I sedekah it to you because I knew you don't remember
No, no, not that I don't remember but I kept delaying the payment
That's okay, that's okay , I already niat to sedekah to you
Thank you ( merah muka lah weh, embarassed )
You see, as a friend, I don't want my friend to get into dosa because of the debt ( no matter how small it is ), and on my part I already halalkan, just waiting for you to mintak halal from me. You see, even though I halalkan you are still berdosa if you don't mintak halal from me. It is good that you want to return my money today, as a friend, I don't want you to live in a sin (?)


OH GOD!!! please forgive me!! I felt like shoving that rm3 into her mouth and tell her to go fly kite or jump in the river or get a life or go see the world or masuk sekolah balik or pergi bakar rumah!!!


Mama Amirul said...

huhuhu... kalo orang yang kita hutang tu dah tak de, boleh tak kita bagi kaw waris dia je...

Kerabu Jantung said...

boleh!kalau waris tak dapat dikesan boleh guna duit tu dengan bermanfaat ( supaya simati dapat pahalanya)...

whm6840 said...

sometimes, saya ada hutang budak2 opis masa lunch .. rm 5 or so... i'll get sleepless night. terasa nak pergi bayar time tu jugak. bukan apa, sebab sikit.. takut terlupa..

Kerabu Jantung said...

memang......, yang sikit tulah mudah terlupa kalau banyak mesti ingat punya - takut orang mari mitok hutang tengah-tengah malam buta!

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