I stopped reading more than 25 years ago out of laziness or maybe cluelessness.
Lately I started to do a little reading books that is left by my children . The husband and the sons read heavy books - daughters read light books. Mum don't read at all! What a shame!
However there are few old books ( I took from the store room ) that I tried to finish ( more that 6 month already ) and I found some quotable quotes that is worth jotting down.
" But there were times when you needed trees, and the shame of it, Jaime thought, was that his children were growing up thinking of trees as firewood and his grandchildren would think of trees as history "
Good Omen by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett - pg 209 - 210 , published in 1990
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Baobab Tree |
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Baobab Tree ( Google Search ) |
Selamat Hari Raya Cikgu
Selamat Hari Raya Norain - semoga kita dapat berjumpa suatu hari nanti!
sixteen febubtancitlo one hundred and tenrimstel onechaswi oneSalam sis. Tak serious kan kata stop reading tu. Pasti membaca cuma mungkin tidak membaca tajuk tajuk yang "luas" seperti dulu.
Assalamualaikum wr wbt. I really must brush up my knowledge of trees...and flowers too. btw do you know what's the english name for bunga tanjung... i saw elsewhere that it's known, in its developed form as magnolia.. but it can't be 'cos magnolia's pretty big..
..I like what you wrote about having greens around you but not wanting the type yang 'ngada ngada' need your constant care..my sentiments exactly, only I haven't got a garden of flowers..just weeds (sigh)
Sis , I baca sikit sangat ,dah tak boleh diambik kira baca pulak buat bijak lebih main skim reading je!
Tapi Qiraat, I take it seriously, InsyaAllah!
Alaikumussalam Dear Anonymous,
thank you for dropping in.
Botanical name is mimusops elengi,also known as bulletwood ( among others )- google result , haha!
I don't have that many flowers too, just a few the non stop flowering types.
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