Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An addict who never repents.

At 78 he is still puffing like a chimney. Reads Quran and newspaper without glasses and drinks super kaw ( super candu ) coffee with only a teaspoon sugar.And cycles to masjid and nearby areas almost everyday.He is a good reciter of the Quran ( he was a qari during his younger days ) and his jawi writing is emaculate.

He is our beloved Abang Put. His handsome name is Ku Mahfuz and surat beranak name is Ku Shuib and he is my husband's eldest brother.And I'm not qualified to bancuh kopi for him,because my kopi will be cayak roi,he can't swallow it!

During school holidays he will be very busy, besides being jurunikah he also attends kenduri in his area. Sometimes he has to attend 10 to 12 kenduri in a day. So when I asked -- macam mana abang makan, banyak sangat kenduri , he then will say, abang makan di rumah pertama sahaja yang lain-lain abang mintak kopi. That means he drinks more than 10 cups of coffee a day, not including the ones he takes at home early morning and at night.

Everytime his children got married , he will invite between 2000 - 3000 guests. When we asked why so many, he said I know almost everybody in the kampung and they know me, if I invite this person the next person will be slighted. When our daughter got married we planned to have a small kenduri in Yan for those relatives who couldn't come to KL.They didn't allow him to do the invitation,for fear he might invite the whole kampung!

Recently he had a slight cough, so all the sisters insisted he went for check up. They said , abang kuat rokok pi jumpa doktor cepat-cepat.He was quite scared and he didn't waste any time to go for check up. When we went back to Yan late last year, he told us, abang dah pi check doktor,x-ray - doktor kata takdak apa.
And he continues smoking happily! He said pada orang bagi duit 5 ringgit kat aku baik bagi sekotak rokok. My daughter said , raya ni tak payah bagi hadiah lain kat Pak Cak, bagi hamper rokok ajelah.Dia tergelak besar, and continued puffing his rokok cigeret ( sometimes he smokes rokok daun ) in between sipping the super black kopi.


fantaghiro said...


siti suka la dia ni aunty, dia comel..masa nuwal punya kenduri dia duduk diam jer kat depan tv, hehehehee..

Kerabu Jantung said...

Pak Cak tak nak lagi dok main table kenduri anak cucu , tak selesa makan dengan sudu garfu!

Tiada Family Tree...

  Semasa adik saya mengahwinkan anaknya pada awal tahun lepas, hanya saya dan anak- anak cucu saja jadi tulang belakang majlis. Sepupu dan a...