Thursday, June 18, 2009

Little angels or little devils?

We often wonder what happened to our cute, sweet, comel,manja and so on children, for when they have grown up they become different people. New born babies have this particular smell which is very sweet and pure and very lovable. they can melt even the hati keras macam batu people.

We never ceased to praise our children when they are small. Everything they do are cute and we will tell everybody how cute they are when they try to walk, to talk or to play.Parents will shower their children with love and care.And we can see they grow in front of our very own eyes,from infant to babies, from one year old and suddenly its time they go to school already.

What we never realised is after they are 4 or 5 years,they are not as cute as when they were below 3 years of age. Some grow up very naughty, demanding or become cengenge ( kuak jerik )ie kuat melalak. I remember when one of the nephews who liked to melalak everyday ( without fail ) until he goes to school ( primary ). He will cry non stop for hours at the top of his voice and the mother will ignore him totally. She said when you pujuk him he will become worst and the melalak time will become longer.If we left him be he knew when to stop, ie after 2 hours.But eventually he grew up to be a good looking boy, very curteous and very good at his studies.

The other one became so aggressive, when crying he will attack everybody near him. All of us makcik-makcik dah kena attack by him. One other, like to hit others of his age ( his siblings and cousins ) with whatever things he had in his hands. Nevertheless these two grew up fine young men.So, we cannot really judge small children,they might change when they grow up.No doubt some will carry their bad behaviour until forever if it is not nipped in the bud.

Some girls are vain when they are small. Clever to use their mothers lipsticks or perfumes or try on their mothers dress or shoes. Some 5 year old insisted to have high heels shoes.Her mother got so fed up she went and buy high heels size 7 for the daughter to wear.Of course the girl cried sampai tertidur. When she woke up she seemed to forget all her problems. But the degil ones will still remember what she wanted and continued crying until kena sergah atau kena pukul.

Sometimes small children can be little angels and some are little devils ------
depending on how they are brought up.


whm6840 said...

Aunty……….. surprisingly to know u had a peep to my blogspot.

When I read thru ur profile I told myself – no doubt, this is Aunty Fatimah – the only family that I know to speak Malay in 3 dialects at one go.

Gonna link to yours instantly.

God!! u gave me a good scare w this entry. My daughter is famous of her own drama queen style when it comes to tears and scream albeit she’s only 15months old.

Then, at that point – I’ll be the drama queen myself, pulak!

Kerabu Jantung said...

Safrul was here , he told me Yanti ada blog. So aunty pun terjah into your blog....told Safrul I want to surprise you.

My salam to Haris and Princess Nada.

Kerabu Jantung said...

ps. Yanti, welcome to my blog! Yeah, blog orang pencen yang takde koje.

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