Thursday, December 24, 2009

Do not blame the ladies if..................

Once my colleage told me the story of someone she knew. This someone's neighbours knew that she was unhappily married, so when her husband suddenly died , she was relieved. So all the makcik-makcik were happy for her and encouraged her to start a new life. Those days ( even now ) some wives don't really know their rights as wives. They are often abused by their husbands.

This friend of mine went a step further by telling me that those makcik said.....suka dia bila laki dah kojol!

Don't be offended by those words, maybe they were telling the truth, being her neighbours, they saw how she suffered, and there was not much they could do to help her. So don't blame the ladies for saying the harsh words.

Wa, my cleaning lady that comes once a week, told me another story. This particular lady got fed up with her husband's attitude, that is mata keranjang! She is really heart broken and asked Wa to get some jampi or potions or anything to tame her husband the next time she goes back to Indon. So Wa told her she can get all those for her, but Wa said if it works , you are the one who lose. Why, she asked. Yalah kalau suami dah jadi bodoh, nak buat ape. You might not need him already!

So ladies, don't simply mandram your husbands........he might be so.. emm emm... you might have to teach them to write A, B, C..................


Maher Al Muaqly said...

Agreed with you aunty, some of the ladies don't really know their rights as wife. And another thing, walaupun suami tu kurang baik, tak perlulah si isteri pergi minta benda syirik dan kurafat i.e. jampi serapah/mandram/bomoh. Kalau dah syirik, konfirm rugi akhirat. Kalau dah buat benda syirik ni, then, sape yang lebih bodoh? Sendiri mahu ingat.

Have a nice weekend aunty.

Kerabu Jantung said...

Believe it or not this is what some people have been doing,that's why some bomohs are rich and they're popular like celebrities!

Maher Al Muaqly said...

Setuju sgt tu.

Surah Al Baqarah Ayat 102 dah tunjuk asal benda2 bomoh ni.

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