Sunday, December 27, 2009

Women outlive their spouses?

One of our family friend told us that his father died at the age of 55. He said the male members of his family mostly die young, like his late father. Recently he was diagnosed with high cholesterol and told us jokingly, maybe his time is near because he's already 53 right now. But he told us his mother and all his aunts outlive their husbands by more than 30 years!

He said his father died of self inflicted. We were shocked to hear that, I mean..self inflicted? How? Cut himself or..what? he said his father consumed too much coffee ( with a lot of sugar about almost half the cup, to match the very thick coffee ). He eventually suffered from diabetes and it got worst and died of complications about 30 years ago. But now govt is providing good medical care to all rakyat and people enjoy good and healthy living.

Now, the question is, how come ladies outlive the men? In a household for example, both husband and wife eat the same food, so how come one is healthier that the other?

To this our friend told us, even though her husband eats the same food as hers, but he goes a step further by eating sweet cakes after every meals ( or some will take a puff or two or many puffs before and after meals ). But what has sweet things got to do with high cholesterol?

I think most men die earlier because when their wives reach menopause, they have no chance to remarry, so they give up on life and just die ........defeated........


Maher Al Muaqly said...

Now, the question is, how come ladies outlive the men? In a household for example, both husband and wife eat the same food, so how come one is healthier that the other?

The answer is in the quantity Hahaha....

Secondly, it is also to fulfill the prophecy foretold by Prophet S.A.W. about signs of the last day i.e. women will be much more than men on this earth.

Thirdly, ujian kepada anak-anak yang lelaki.

Kerabu Jantung said...

ie wether they can look after their mothers as well as their wives and children? And they can put their mothers above all?

Not many can do that I suppose. Yang boleh letakkan ibu mereka di atas segala-galanya.

Berbahagialah bagi yang berjaya.

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