Thursday, July 16, 2009

3 in 1 The Sequel

After being diagnosed as 3 in 1, I was so menggelabah and followed the dietician's advice on my food intake. I have to accept the fact that I'm stucked with hypertension, high cholesterol and DM and so determined to keep the reading as low as possible.

Finally after one year of taking coversil 4 mg once a day, lovastatin 20 mg once at night and (sadly )metformin 500 mg twice a day, my recent blood test showed a very positive reading. I was very happy when the doctor told me my sugar level is 5.6 ,cholesterol level 5.8 and bp 138/75.

She encouraged me to keep on doing what I do ie, take my medicine religiously, change my eating habit and do some exercise. She further encouraged me by saying there are people who got off the medicine hook when they can really look after themselves.She gave one good advice that really opened my eyes ---- you put 10 ringgit petrol in your tank, you should spend the 10 ringgit. Go for exercises or if you are not the outdoor type , just place your stationary bicycle in front of your tv and cycle while you are watching your favourite programme.

I think doctors should explain to patients properly so they can get the message clearly.Not just write the prescriptions and dismiss you. A few years back I did went for blood test and my cholesterol reading was quite high.The doctor just told me to watch my diet. Even though I was 50 at that time, I was so ignorant of the effect of high chol.Until one day my classmate Dr Omar told me ' Kak, you sekarang tengah duduk atas pucuk kelapa , you kena jaga makan betul-betul kalau tak nanti dapat stroke! '( he explained to me about the good food and bad food , I just took it easy.. elehh,dah tau dah fasal makanan tu!)

Many years later when I really got pening-pening and the doctor at Tangling Clinic put me on blood test only then I face the truth. Don't play-play, you are on medications now!.. Untuk memanjangkan jangka hayat ( Ya, Allah nak mati dah ke? Ampunkan dosaku ya Allah, ya Rabbi,ya Karim, ya..... )

Ramai juga antara kita yang makan tak pantang dan tak makan saman,buang ubat hospital dan makan ubat ramuan sendiri!


la Signora said...

Aunty, I do hope your health will improve soon.My mom was on Lovastatin for 5 years,badan kecik tapi kolesterol dia , mak aiiiii tinggi tak hengat dunia!And so, after 5 years, alhamdulillah, last month, the doctor told her that her kolesterol level was so much better (as in LOW!) and my mom was over the moon bila tak perlu makan Lovastatin tu lagi.So, insyaAllah.As for me, I'm on a non-gluten diet and it has been working wonders for my asthma and fitness level.And makes losing weight more manageable and consistent.

Orang zaman dulu fit sebab cuci kain pakai tenaga badan etc mane ade washing machine :P heheheheheh maybe I should start washing clothes the old-fashion way.

...maybe not.

Kerabu Jantung said...

Basuh baju pakai tangan? Nanti sakit urat pulak sebab sejuk main air.

Congratulations to your mum!
That means she had been faithful to lovastatin @ doctor's order and I'm sure she changed her eating habit. Sebab walau makan ubat pun kalau makan tak berinsuran kolesterol duk tang tu jugak.

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