Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Siblings Rivalry continues......

After Tanjung Karang we moved to KB. In KB my last two children enrolled in tadika Kemas which was near our house.When the elder brother went to school ( std 1 ),we sent our youngest daughter to kelas hafazan Quran.But later we had to pull her out from the class,when one day she came home shivering and terrified.She told me, she was very frightened when one of the boys was scolded by the ustazah and made him stand outside the class.

So, we got another ustazah to teach al Quran at home and this was when the rivalry continued. After a while the sister excelled in reciting of the Quran thus she moved to the next surah, ahead of the brother. After a while the brother got jealous,so every time she moved to a new surah , he would be angry with her , pushed her, hid her muqaddam and so on until Ida our helper told me about the incident.So I had to tell the ustazah to let the two read the same surah and move to the next surah together.

Later when we moved to Alor Setar,they were enrolled in the same school, both of them went to Sekolah Rendah Taman Uda.For extra knowledge I registered them in a drawing class. When they finished the first drawing and the colouring, they brought their work home. The sister proudly showed me her work while the brother stashed his drawing somewhere. When I praised the sister he got jealous and quickly showed me his half coloured drawing, but I praised him all the same. But he knew the sister did better than him, that made him really geram.

When they were bigger they started to have friends of their own. The brother had many friends and they were very active. He was never at home during weekends.Early morning he went to school to play tennis with his friends, about 11 o'clock all of them would cycle to town to swim in the public pool. He came back for lunch and then went to Kedah Kelab ( Just behind our house )to play tennis for the second session, after that all of them jumped in the pool until very late in the evening. During the school holidays he would be in sawah padi somewhere, tangkap ikan sepat.His skin became very dark as compared to the others in the family.

Every evening( weekdays ) the brother played football with the Indian boys team in Alor Semadom which is in front our house in Jalan Sultanah.One day I saw one of the Indian boys on the football field who wore the same t-shirt as my son , so I told the two sisters about it and they laughed at me saying..... mak..tu Hishamlah mak..bukan anak India!

As a girl the sister was homely. She joined the school choir and was busy with the practice and ocassionally performed in school functions. She had one close friend ( classmate )who would come to the house and they spent a lot of time together,playing games and practicing their flutes.Sometimes the brother would butt in just to annoy the two girls.

When we were in Kuching both of them were already in lower secondary and 3 years later we moved to KL. At this stage they did not quarrel much,but ocassionally he would tell me that her sister was a bit ' gelenya' . One day when they were in the car with me I asked my daughter....your brother told me you are gelenya,is it true? And then I turned to the brother,....now you tell me betul-betul how gelenya is your sister? Both of them didn't say anything.

The brother went to SM Sains Muar for one month and when he came back,he had changed a lot. Maybe when he was away he missed home so much especially the little sister. By then, my first daughter was already in college and the eldest brother was away, that made both of them became very close.Apparently they forgot why they were quarelling all these while.....

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