Monday, July 27, 2009

Cakap siang pandang-pandang............................

I ada baca blog Husin Lempoyang, bertajuk Bahasa Melayu Bahasa Antarabangsa. Cerita ini ada beberapa siri, ada juga yang menggelikan hati. Ia mengingatkan saya tentang penggunaan Bahasa Melayu di peringkat antarabangsa, bila cakap siang pandang-pandang, cakap malam dengar-dengar, kalu tidak bulih malu.

In 1990 me and Habibti were at The Karachi Airport ( transit from Cairo ), at about 4 o'clock in the morning. Suddenly she told me someone was staring at us, so when I looked towards that person I realised he was really staring at us. We were very angry with him, we started firing him with all the £#*@?words in the vocab ( of course he couldn't hear because he sat quite far from us ) until we ran out of ammunations.

Suddenly, one guy from behind me said --Lu Mulayu ka? Surprised, I said yes and I'm from Malaysia ( forever proud to be Malaysian even though my face turned multi coloured, first white, then red ,then blue ,then black! I felt embarrassed sebab baru aje lepas cakap tak berinsuran..)

So I asked him, you boleh cakap Melayu ke? Ya, saya duduk Brunei sudah sapluh taun , sudah balik cuti Karachi 10 hari( he told me the other 3 guys beside him were his uncle and cousins ) ooo..... I turned to Habibti telling that those 4 guys behind us can speak MULAYU! I panic the manic they might understand what we were saying. Habibti tried to console me ,saying that since we kecek Kelate, they might not understand.

Jadi bila dah buleh malu lagu tu, we had to shift place, and felt quite relieved because we didn't have to see them again. When we boarded the plane we were very happy to lose them. As we sat comfortably we saw those 4 boarded the same plane as us.And they sat next to our seats. Kena buat muka selambe sambil mengenang-ngenangkan kelancangan mulut memaki orang macam tak hengat punye!


fantaghiro said...

sekarang ni mmg bahaya aunty..
kadang kadang, org india lagi terer spiking mandarin, org cina terer ckp tamil etc etc..
takleh sembarangan ckp dah..hehehehehe...

Kerabu Jantung said...

Simpan cerita tu cukup lama, masih tak boleh lupa!

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