Thursday, July 23, 2009

Me and My Habibti

I came from pantai timur, but I don't quite like beaches because it is very hot and sticky during daytime . Since I am very familiar with the beach my visit to the beach was always short and fleeting.So when Habibti Dr Fatma invited us for a picnic ( way back in 1980's )I was not so enthusiastic.And she suggested that it would be after 5. Well, it must be interesting!And definitely it is not hot and sticky.

So I brought something to eat ,she did too, plus her famous muhalabayya and gahwa.It was about 6.30 in the evening and people started leaving the beach batch by batch. We laid out our mat and spread our bekal and started eating bit by bit .As the day grew darker the wind became stronger.By seven the sky at the other end of the sea was getting red and and later it disappeared. And the stars started twinkling.This whole scenery has changed me about picnic at the beach.

The guys went for maghrib prayer in the mosque nearby, both of us prayed at the beach. She taught me how to use cador for praying. And she taught me how to perform ibadah without hassle.She taught me by example, like she is always with wudhu' and cukup time terus sembahyang , be it in the place of her tafsir Quran or anywhere else .Of course those days we Malays were very strict about pakaian dan tempat sembahyang,must be at proper places like masjid or surau and properly attired ( if we not in our own houses ).

Alhamdulillah these days suraus are everywhere,in shoppping complexes, hotels , along the highways, petrol stations and others. So you can shop( window shopping ) until you drop in KLCC for example without worrying about dah masuk waktu dah.........

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