Thursday, July 23, 2009

Clogged arteries.

Just came back from IJN, visiting my cousin who is 72 yrs old.Last year he fainted after mowing his lawn. After the angiogram the doctor found out he has 3 blocked arteries, so he is waiting to be operated upon anytime now.

He told us the angio is a simple process and he can even see his arteries on the screen. And he's very confident about the bypass, not like before ,he was scared out of his wit when he knew there's something wrong with his jantung.

When the nurse sent him milo without sugar ( tea time ) he complained to me , bakpe takdak gula ni, tawar semacam. I told him --minum aje, lama-lama biasalah tu! And he told me morning they give sugar, evening they don't.

I brought mee rebus for Ros who takes turn to look after the father.And one extra in case Abang Husin wants to taste.He said he prefers mee kari ( which is real thick like he used to eat ).Ros said his father loves super lemak food.And he couldn't live without cigarettes, but since he was suspected with sakit jantung,his wife and his children banned him from smoking ( they tried many times before but fell on deaf ears or worst, got scolded by him ).

When I commented he looked healthy, he said he is not in pain,no chest pain, no fever, he can eat normally.He said maybe his arteries are not hardened yet,maybe it is just like the clog in the sink, the water can still pass through.Otherwise he would be fainting all the time.He said his bypass will be like building new highways beside the old road.

I'm happy to see him with high spirit , may his bypass be successful and he can leave happily many more years to come.
Amin.Ros, you are really anak yang solehah, semoga mendapat kebaikan di dunia dan akhirat.Amin!

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