Saturday, August 8, 2009

Belated opinion

I'm quite sad when PPSMI is withdrawn but I hope the govt will come up with better ways of teaching English as a second language. The old syllabus didn't seem to be effective because it is concentrated on grammar...I am, you are, he/she/it is/was etc,followed by grammar excercise like fill in the blanks, choose the right answers,do corrections on sentences and short passages. It is so regimented and boring, in the end the students lost interest in learning English.

I like the idea of introducing English literature to Malaysian students.First and foremost story books are used as textbooks.While reading and understanding the story , at the same time they learn the pronunciations, grammar,dialogues and they will be able to analyse like the theme of the story,the characters,the moral of the story and so on.By the time they finish the first book, they will be familiar and (well verse ) with English language.

To me PPSMI is an indirect way of learning English. Science and mathematics are taught in class for 200 minutes each per week.So every week they learn English through maths and science subject about 400 minutes not including the learning of English Language for another 200 minutes.We might say some of the teachers might not be well verse teaching science and maths in English,but the little English used in class will benefit the students. The most important thing is that the students will be able to use the mathematics and scientific terms in English!

Adakah akan mati sesuatu bahasa itu jika kita tidak menggunakanya dalam pengajaran sains dan mathematik?
Atau kita patut gunakan bahasa Melayu dalam pengajaran sains dan matematik supaya menjadikan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa ilmu.
Bagaimana dengan ilmu-ilmu lain,adakah terhalang mejadikan BM sebagai bahasa ilmu kerana matematik dan sains diajar dalam bahasa Inggeris.

But when I went back to my kampung ,I found out many parents enrolled their children in Englidh tuition classes. At least they tried....
For those who could,t afford the extra classes, PIBG can hire teachers to give English lessons in school for free or minimum payment.

When I go back to my kampung the next time,I want to know whether the parents have abandoned the extra English class!


whm6840 said...

haih kerabu jantung,

entahla.. yang nampak, sistem pendidikan kita dah jadi macam kerabu mangga.

eh.. nanti marah pulak pesara guru.

fantaghiro said...

memang rugi..
tersangat rugi..
kaum lain berlumba lumba hantar anak pergi kelas melayu boleh ckp bahasa melayu saja nanti..sedihnya...

Kerabu Jantung said...

whm dan fanta,
mahir dalam pelbagai bahasa tu memang bagus,BI yang dah lama dok depan mata,tengok cerita omputeh, nyanyi lagu omputeh,pakaian, kebudayaan semua impot, bila bahasa ilmu tak nak pulak basa omputeh.
Aunty sekarang ni nak sangat pandai cakap Francois, bila ada orang melayu lain yang cakap peranchis dekat-dekat aunty, rasa macam nak koyakkan mulut dia ( jeles la tu!)

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