Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rumours can kill

As of today the death toll of H1N1 victims shot up to 38 people.It is really very scary, especially when one has got to go out working and going on unavoidable trips outside the country. As for me all my children are working and I pray hard, may Allah save them and their friends from coming even nearer to the H....And I pray to Allah let Malaysia be rid of the pandemic as fast as possible. Amin.

Last two days my classmate told me that the real death toll was 38 but in tv they only announced as 18. I was shaken but at the same time I consoled myself over and over that it was only rumour.When I went to solat in the mosque someone came to salam with me and during solat she sat near me. Suddenly I realised she had running nose !!! I was scared and angry and I wanted to confront her..but of course you can't buat gangster dalam masjid!

That night I too had a slight running nose and about 4 in the morning I woke up because I couldn't breath. I thought I wanted to die and many things came to my mind, like if I die...this and that... until the wee hour of the morning and I was exhausted then only I came to term with my fear, and redha akan qada' Allah.I then fell asleep again until 7.30 in the morning!

When my youngest daughter had a running nose I was quite panic and shoved her off to the clinic.The doctor gave her anti-biotic and something to lightened the plegm and she got one day mc.That night she couldn't sleep well, she woke up every 1 hour, thus the next morning she told us her knee became week. We became so frightened and immediately my husband called his doctor friend but couldn't get through. He then rushed to his clinic to consult him.

In the meantime I asked my daughter to sleep in the hall so I can monitor her.I cooked chicken broth and forced her to eat . Alhamdulillah when she ate she became stronger. When my husband came back he said Doctor Im had gone to Kelang. By then I was quite relieved to see my daughter getting better, alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah, alhamdulllah! And at this point I realised how important the tv announcement is,such as the death toll, what is the tanda-tanda flu dan cara-cara menjauhinya. I think all of us should take those announcement seriously.

I was quite sad when I went to IGN recently, visitors can come in to the hospital without screening.The previous week there was the screening at the main entrance, and I don't understand why they stopped. I was quite worry because my cousin was one of the patients recuperating from the heart surgeries. And one of his daughter had running nose!


la Signora said...

Oh dear, I do hope she's well now.It's pretty serious here as well.What irks me is people yang berhingus/batuk/bersin cam gajah pun ade hati nak 'kongsi' bersama orang yang tak sakit.Tak sivik langsung.Patut mata pelajaran sivik diajar kembali kat skolah.As for hospitals,susah nak komen.But seriousy, IJN?!Mak aiii.Dahlah pesakit kat IJN tu kekadang kritikal.Tak patut langsung.

Kat sini very strict, anybody who goes to the clinic with flu symptoms are immediately quarantined in another room.And everywhere ade those hand-sanitizer gel thingy.Even kat pejabat kerajaan.

Hmm.Yang bersin cam gajah tu kekadang tak reti tutup mulut.Ngeri betul.

Well, do hope you and the rest of the family dalam keadaan sihat sejahtera.Take care!

Kerabu Jantung said...

Alhamdulillah ,she's okay by evening, anyway the next morning went for second opinion,alhamdulillah there's no symptoms of H1N1.

But mesti berjaga-jaga all the time.
Acc to the doctor,
Demam panas yang berpanjangan, makan panadol pun tak jadi apa,
Susah bernafas,
Kahak berwarna,
Kena pergi screening!

Thanks sweetheart, semoga both of you juga dalam sihat sejahtera.

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