Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Keropok Leko the all time favourite

I'm sure many Malaysians love kerpok goreng ,be it kerpok leko atau kerpok kering.I heard this story about keropok being sent to KL by the contena load every week and it is a multi million business,these days.

As a person hailed from pantai timur, I sort of cannot live without stocks of dried keropok in my cabinet and keropok leko filled half of my freezer. To me you can never go wrong if you serve keropok goreng when guest come to your house unexpectedly. Plus keropok is the main kudapan in my house ( with me the no one muncher ).

But lately when I was referred to the dietician in HKL, I was surprised that keropok is in the list of a no-no for people who suffer high cholesterol. Keropok should be taken sparingly, not rampantly as I did the last more than 50 years.

For those who like to buy keropok goreng at stalls, do check up on the oil in the kuali. If it has turned black, refrain yourselves from buying. Wait until the day they change the oil in the kuali then it is safe to buy the keropok or the goreng pisang or all the goreng-gorengan things.

Anyway, if you are the self conscious person, and you want to make keropok leko, here's the recipe:

1 kg ikan tamban, or kembung or tenggiri or parang or tongkol or prawns or squids
1 kg tepung sagu
Salt to taste
Serbuk perasa (optional)


- debone the fish
- pound or blend the fish in food processor with salt to taste
- in a bowl, mix the pounded/minced fish with tepung sagu bit by bit until it becomes a dough. Make small doughs as big as tennis balls
- roll each small dough.
- boil some water in a fairly big pot, when it boils put in keropok leko
- When it surfaces take it out from the pot and let it cool.

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