Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Gajah pun boleh pengsan

Muslims all over the world are waiting for the arrival of Ramadhan in this month of August. In Kelantan the favourite puasa delicacies are among others daging kering ( fried and mix with fried onions )that's a must for sahur. Saghe or seaweeds will arrive in Pasar Siti Khadijah by the sackfuls.Kerabu saghe is favourite for buka puasa beside nasi kerabu and ayam percik.That was twenty years ago, I do not know whether it is still the same now.

Back in KL,theres no daging kering but we'll settle for telur masin,ikan bilis,papodom for the sahur appetizer. As for buka puasa we don't have any problem, when one is hungry anything goes. But for my family bubur lambok is a must ( which is being modified many times over, so much so other people might think it is not even a bubur lambok version ).

In Sarawak, bubur pedas is the speciality of Ramadhan. Bubur pedas is very unique,the ingredients include meat or chicken, special spices and kulit kerbau ( the inside of kulit kerbau, roasted )sliced thinly , very crunchy.The other speciality is umai ie prawn, sotong or fish mix with a lot of fresh lime, onion,chillies , sugar and salt,just like sushi, eaten raw.

Once my non Muslim colleage used to ask me how much weight I lost during fasting month. I told him it was about 5kg. Wah.... so good..... But... yes, but..I gain 10 after the first week of raya! Can't help it, with the ketupat and rendang, not to mention all the cookies and the open houses! Gajah pun boleh pengsan.Luckily there's puasa 6, dapatlah sikit bermuhasabah diri dari ancaman lemang dan rendang.

To all Muslims I wish Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa, semoga ibadah puasa tahun ini lebih baik dari tahun-tahun yang lepas.

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