Sunday, January 17, 2010

Shop till you drop!

Long time you didn't come, our new collections just arrived a few days ago
I can't buy new materials already, I quarrel with my tailor
You can try our tailor again ,Kak Yah and the others still sewing
I can't do that, the last time they spoilt my baju kurung
There's this new collection you might like to see, they came in four colours for you to choose
Waitlah I have got to pray istikharah first before I decide to buy
Ok kak................ Aishah, ambil itu kain, semua kasi tengok ( of course I ended up buying not one, but a few pieces! ) . Habibti used to joke with me, we should look for some bomoh to jampi us from shopping......ha, ha, ha......

Those are my usual conversations with Ajay this textile shop manager. We came to know him about 10 years ago. The first day he opened his shop, me and my family were having lunch at Ampang Point and we saw this new textile shop and we stopped by. We have been buying materials from him ever since, and he gave us good discounts.

He really takes care of his customers, and being very experience in selling textile he knows our taste in choosing materials. He worked in a textile shop in Dubai ever since he was 17, came direct from India and he picked up Arabic, and Malay ( beside English and Hindi )because this shop in Dubai had Malay customers from Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia.

Aj, apa ni banyak limau nipis ni, you mandram your customers ka
Where got mandram kak, kalau I mandram dah lama I jadi millionaire
If you don't mandram how come I bought so much from you?

Tak dok jawape........

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