Thursday, January 21, 2010

To lose or not to lose............

Many of us are health conscious and many more don't care about health. Not aware maybe? Right now I'm hooked on The Biggest Loser, the reality show on tv. To me the show is very amazing because it goes well with sayings Terlajak Perahu Boleh DiUndur ie, if we overeat and become heavy weight with the accompaniments of some deadly deseases , we still have the chance to repent.

Judging from the contestants who are really oversize, make me wonder how they are going to lose such an excess weight. But at the end of the show, all of them manage to lose weight and some lose more than half their sizes. As for me, I need to lose many kgs to get back to my ideal weight, according to my body mass index. Bmi ni pulak agak melampau sikit dia punya index, too strict I suppose!

I realise now that we should train our children to eat balance food and the right portions. Never allow our children to eat 5 pieces of chicken at one sitting, 2 plates of rice or pastas , or 10 curry puffs at one go! Or to gulp coke everytime they are thirsty or eat kerepek habis satu balang in front of tv! That will be hazardous when they grow up.


Jantung Hatiku said...

Yang penting, jangan menzalimi diri. Masa makan enjoy sedap, tapi beberapa inci saja dalam mulut dan tekak. Masuk ke perut, menganinya perut untuk proses makanan yang pelbagai - keras, pedas dll Kita tak sedar kita zalimi diri kita, dah dapat sakit baru tau.

Kerabu Jantung said...

Ha,ha,ha...bagus frasa tu, MENZALIMI DIRI sendiri bila makan terlampau banyak!

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