Friday, February 7, 2014

Be Careful When..... are in US


Someone might suck your blood while you are sleeping. Your friend or your classmate might be a vampire

Silas Weir Mitchell as Monroe (Seasons 1-2)

Silas Weir Mitchell as Monroe in 'Grimm'.Photo by: Eric Ogden © NBCUniversal
Monroe is a Wesen whose creature form (a "Wieder Blutbad") is werewolf-ish in nature. He was initially a suspect in one of Nick's cases but now has become an unofficial partner who helps Nick solve crimes in the Grimm world by sharing his expertise regarding the various species of Wesen. Although he is a good, loyal ally, Monroe is naturally a bit wary of Grimms, and Nick's demands often strain his nerves, causing frequent sarcastic complaints.

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 Or while you are on holidays somewhere in remote area, your own very friend suddenly turns into a razor sharp teeth with crooked claws creature and scavenges you!

........or the super villain suddenly appear from nowhere and crush you for no reason..

A wild  imagination of overworked mind after watching  too many American movies...

1 comment:

Beautiful Life said...

hahaha...baru Nampak post ni...yeah every weird things happened in US TV...

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