Friday, August 13, 2010

Kuzi Ayam For Breaking Fast

I've been meaning to cook some kuzi ayam but laziness got over me. Finally with the arrival of Ramadhan I manage to cook some for berbuka puasa, that is on the third day of Ramadhan. At first I planned to cook on the first day of puasa, but on the first and second day of puasa I was so traumatised - I was suffering from caffeine deficiency, so I just cook nasi goreng and sayur rebus!

Here is the recipe for Kuzi Ayam for those who like mild dish.

1 chicken about 2 kgs ( whole or cut into pieces )
1'' ginger
3 pieces garlic
1 big onion ( or 5 to 6 shallots )
2 big onions ( 10 -15 shallots ) , slice and fry until crispy.

1 can of evaporated milk
1 small bottle tomato ketchup ( tomato sos )
A handful of raisins ( or dates if you run out of kismis )
Some pepper
1 tablespoonful rempah kuzi ( rempah kurma/rempah sup as substitute )


1. Blend ginger, garlics and onions then mix with the chicken, add some salt and pepper

Season the chicken and leave it for a while

2. Heat the wok or pot, add 2 tablespoons cooking oil and fry the chicken until half cook

Use a bigger and deeper wok or pot

3. Add in the rempah kuzi, leave it for a while then add 2 or 3 glasses of water, leave it to boil until the chicken is tender ( you won't have that much problem if you cut it into pieces )
4. Then pour in the evaporated milk and tomato ketchup ( 1/2 a bottle )

Leave it to simmer

5. Let it boil , add water if necessary or as how much you want the gravy to be, cover the pot
6. When it is about 3/4 cook, reduce the fire, leave your kuzi to simmer

7. At this point you can add raisins and fried onions. Squeeze 1 or 2 slice lemon or lime or a few drops of vinegar.

When the chicken is soft and the gravy thickens, it is ready to be served

8. Take out your best casserole and  place the Kuzi in it.......

So if you want to ambik hati your mother in law, make one for her for berbuka puasa. If your mother in law is far away cook for her during Hari Raya.

You can serve your kuzi with salad - any salad of your choice. I made do the above salad with whatever I have from the fridge.

And also you can eat with rice, pita bread, French loaf or roti Banggali or dinner roll or all of them at one go! Be careful when eating rice with kuzi, you might pamcit during terawih prayer!

This is how kuzi looks like in your plate, ready for buka puasaaaaaa!


whm6840 said...

oh no!!!! tak boleh tahan tengok gambar. slurrrpppp

Kerabu Jantung said...

oi, puase ke tak puase tu?

Mama Amirul said...

sedap nye......nak buat tapi tak tau....

Kerabu Jantung said...

ibu amirul,

Try ayam yang dipotong-potong dulu,bila dah mahir buat pula ayam seekor.

Ikut aje step yang dalam gambar tu,yang mana agak keliru sikit boleh tanya... takde masalah!

noreez said...

wahhh..sedapnye! nnt nk try buat le. Dah lama x mkn kuzi..masa dok kelantan dulu selalu dah lama sungguh x merasa ..=D
thanx for sharing with us aunty!=D

Kerabu Jantung said...


Aunty teringin nak rasa laksa Johor you, Nuwal kata memang kaw!

I hope this step by step making kuzi is helpful for beginners.

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