Tuesday, January 4, 2011

RSVP Or RSPV......Whatever!

Some of us Malaysians are not serious when accepting invitations, thus the hosts became jittery. The problem is that, many of us are lackadaisical to rsvp , thinking we might do it later but in the end we forget about it. The hosts will be calling all the guests to confirm until the last minute. They have to liaise with the hotel or dewan management as to how many guests will be attending as payments should be made on time. Those who are still in service they can use their p.a s to confirm the attendance. For those who has no p.a s, the hosts can get so stressful they might have to take 2 panadols every 6hrs or 6 panadols every 2 hrs!

The hosts are always in dilemma, some guests never respond at all, so, to cancel their attendance is quite risky, they might turn up during the reception ( mana tuan kenduri nak letak muka, jemput orang sangat tapi tak cukup tempat duduk! ). But if they don't turn up, you can imagine how much money is wasted. Some will turn up more than their rsvp, they conveniently bring along their 3 year old child and 6 month old baby plus the maid! This might alarm the host - what if everybody turns up? Two guests will definitely be deprived of their seats ( kerap berlaku ! ).

One funny incident, one couple we knew came late for wedding reception at the hotel, so they just barge in, salam and hand in their gift. When they wanted to eat they realised the host was a different person, so they quickly took their gift back and got out from the place as fast as they could. The reception they were supposed to attend was just next door!

One of our friend's friend likes to gatecrash other people's kenduri. When travelling and if he happens to come across wedding receptions, he will stop and eat but never fail to contribute to tuan kenduri. He loves nasi kenduri especially kenduri kampung!

The best kenduri I attended was kenduri menyambut menantu in Kedah. They served nasi daging ( something like beriyani daging, but better ) the meat in the rice is taken out, cut into small pieces and served with air asam , dalca and fried chicken. Our rombongan ' face not shy one you know ' ( muka tak malu )to eat one serving after another ( tak boleh ajak pergi kenduri dah lepaih ni! ). Buat malu kompeni!


whm6840 said...

I for one loves nasi kenduri too!.. tak tahu kenapa. ada semangat!

ngasobahseliman said...

I plead guilty. Saya ambil ringan menjawab. Terkena satu ketika saya tidak tersenarai tempat duduk. Oleh kerana tuan rumah kawan baik maka mudah masaalah terselesai. Tapi saya embarrassed juga.Apabila sendiri buat majlis baru insaf. Itulah manusia.

Kerabu Jantung said...

whm, nasi kenduri kampung yang paling sedap, sebab ada gulai kawah!

sis ngasobahseliman, sebenarnya kita semua belajar dari kesilapan dan juga melalui pengalaman sendiri atau orang lain.

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